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The toughest job you'll ever love!

After graduating from Washington State University in 1971, I joined the Peace Corps.  While it wasn't something that I had originally planned, nor was it a spur of the moment decision.  My initial training took place in Ponce, Puerto Rico where we had language training eight hours a day for about eight weeks.  Then we left for Costa Rica for another six weeks of language and technical training.  I served as an Agricultural Extensionist.  Most people don't understand that a Peace Corps Volunteer actually reports to the host government.  There is an administrative arm of the Peace Corps in country, but one's work is directed by the host government.  I was assigned to an extension office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cattle in Nicoya, Guanacaste.  My job was to represent the Ministry in its work as assigned and I provided technical assistance to small farmers primarily in the production of corn, rice and beans.  Over time I also provided assistance with tobacco, cotton, sesame, sorghum, and all varieties of fruits and vegetables.  It was a great time!  It was a great experience!  Like most volunteers, I went to give; but feel that I probably received more than I ever gave.  The Peace Corps is as viable today as it was those many years ago.  They are still looking for volunteers if you are interested.