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Nuclear Security

For approximately seventeen years I worked in security in the commercial nuclear power plant industry.  For thirteen years I worked full-time at the South Texas Project Electric Generating Station (STPEGS) and retired as the Superintendent of Security.  Since retirement I have provided consulting services to various entities within the industry.  In recent endeavors  I have been associated with Franklin R. Timmons, CPP.  You can visit his website at
Commerical nuclear power plants are an important element of the U.S. critical infrastructure.  All aspects of regulation regarding the operations of nuclear power plants, including security, falls within the purview of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.  Some of the fervour generated by the attacks of 9/11 has generated spotlights upon nuclear power plants.  But security at nuclear power plants has always been taken very seriously.
Detailed information regarding the protection of nuclear power plants against threats is protected.  Suffice it to say, we are interested in detecting and identifying the threat, and then interdicting and/or neutralizing that threat.  All plants do that though they may have different strategies to accomplish their objective.
The question, 'Where were you on 9/11?' has replaced 'Where were you when JFK was shot?'.  I was working under contract at a nuclear power plant in Michigan.  It was an interesting time.  Yes, there have been changes since 9/11.  Perhaps a more realistic way of viewing and addressing the threat has resulted.  And changes will probably continue.  Change is always difficult but the people working in nuclear security are dedicated and professional.  I'm proud to have been a part of it.
During my years in security, I joined ASIS International and became accredited as a 'Certified Protection Professional.